
martes, 5 de abril de 2011


The first time I went to "La Suit" was last month. I didin't go before because I wasn't sixteeen and because my friends didn't want to go -they prefere other kinds of music, you know-.

I wasn't so excited, but when I came into it wasn't so bad.

We met at Tania's house at quarter past eleven and my father drove us to "La Suit", then there we met with Marc, Alex, Jose, Jordi, Mireia, Muntsa and Aida. The worst thong is that they don't open until 12 o'clock, so you have to make a queue and wait, if you are a boy it doesn't matter but if you are wearing high heels, it's horrible.

When we got inside there weren't a lot of people, but half an hour later yes. The music was great, ther are two rooms with different music and you can choose were to go.

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