
sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012


Unfortunately, this was the last trip we did together. We had a lot of fun.
We left Manlleu on Monday 26 March at seven o'clock and arrived at Cannes at six o'clock. There, we went to the beach and at about nine o'clock we arrived at the hotel in France. The following day we arrived at Pisa (at two o'clock, because the bus driver was always late). I was impressed by the tour, I thought it would be smaller. On Wednesday we went to Firenze, which I had been when I was younger. On Thursday, we visited Siena. It is a beautiful city, full of tourists. That night we went out and we met two Italian boys. At first we were afraid because they said that they knew an Irish pub which was very good, and we never arrived. Finally we arrrived and the pub was really good. The last day we had to go to Volterra, which is the city where "New Moon" was shot, but we couldn't go because we didn't have enough time, it was a pity. Instead of going to Volterra we went to St Gimignano. The town is plenty of tourists' shops, but I was angry because I though that Volterra would have been much better.
At the afternnon we took the bus to go to Chivita Vecchia near Rome (our ship was in Barcelona because of the general stike). Our ferry left on Friday at 22.15pm. At night we went to the disco, and I didn't feel like if  I was on a ship. On the morning we went to the deck to see the sea. I was really impressed, everywhere I looked was bue, the bad point was that it was really windy. We spent 20 hours more or less on the ship, but time flied. On seven o'clock we arrived at Barcelona.
In Italy I bought pasta and some jewlery.
If I could I'd repeat it!

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