I don't know why I didn't post it before, because it's one of my favourite films.
I have read all the books and you can't compare them to the movies. The books are fantastic and the films, well, they aren't bad but not as good as the books.
The movie is about a girl called Bella who goes to live with her father Charlie. She goes to Forks, there she meets her new friends: Mike, Angela, Eric, Jessica and Tyler. When they are eating at the canteen she suddenly sees a strange and beautiul people: the Cullen family. She looks especialy at Edward because he is very atratcive.
At biology class they have to seat together. The first time they don't speak but the second day they become "friends". Bella falls in love with him an he falls in love with Bella. One day they go dinner and Edward explains Bella that he can read minds. When she is at home she remember that he's cold, strong and really fast. She serches in the Internet and find a word: vampire.
Then she meets Jacob, a friend of her who is in love with her too. He tells Bella a story about werewolves and vampires, then she understans everything.
One day she goes to Edward's house to meet his family (Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet) and they are happy with her, except Rosalie. Then they go to play baseball in a field and they find three bad vampires: Victoria, James and Laurent. James wants to eat Bella but Edward an his brothers can kill him.
The film finishes with Victoria (she was James' girlfriend) wants revenge.
The best actor in the film is Robert Pattinson. :D
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