It is a fantasy movie based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll. It's always the same story, a little bit strange but I like it.
The principal characters are:
-Alice: -Mia Wasikowska- She's a nineteen-year-old girl who returns to Underland for the second time in thirteen years.
-The White Rabbit: It's rabbit in a waistcoat and a clock.
-Tweedledum and Tweedledee: -Matt Lucas- They're two twins very funny.
-Absolem : The caterpillar.
-The Mad Hatter: -Johnny Depp- He's a hatter who made hats for the White Queen but he became crazy.
-Chesire Cat: It can apperar and disapperar whenever it wants.
-Mirana, the White Queen: -Anne Hathaway- She's the Red Queen's sister. She lives in a happy castle out of fear.
-Iracebeth, the Red Queen: - Helena Bonham Carter- She's the White Queen's sister. She's easily irritated and nobody loves her.
-The Knave of Hearts: - Crispin Glover- He follows the Red Queen's orders. He's arrogant and the pnly who can calm her moods.
-The Jabberwocky: A dragon creature controlled by the Red Queen. At the end of the film Alice kills it.
My favourite character is the Mad Hatter, who is played by Johnny Depp (is almost unrecognizable).
The film is direced by Tim Burton, he's one of my favourites directors. I really like his films.
Yes, the film has the mark of Tim Burton: the asethetics, the characters...